Core Enneatypes and Enneagram variations
Each Enneagram Center of Intelligence includes Core Enneatypes and two Enneatype variations.
Each Enneagram Center of Intelligence includes Core Enneatypes and two Enneatype variations.
The Enneagram’s Three Centers of Intelligence provide a map to understand all kinds of daily interactions.
The Enneagram of Personality is a circular symbol pointing to nine human archetypes.
The universal Enneagram symbol can explain life, one person at a time.
Enneagram historical origins are still debated. Evidences of the Enneagram can be found around the globe as far back as the Greek mathematicians Pythagorus and Plato.
Your human potential longs to unfold; witness your own becoming.
Human potential includes doing what may seem impossible.
Love thoughts with a heart “that beats as one, It’s collectively, Unconsciously composed”
The Celebration of Love 2015 traverses Into the Deeply Open Heart.
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