Monday Music: start with a beat

Monday Music: a weekly song meditation

Monday Music: start with a beat

Grounded Relating offers Monday Music each week to get your heart and mind evolving and your body coalescing.

Monday Music: let’s start this week, and every week, with a beat! Grounded Relating will offer a song a week, or a multimedia selection, to get your heart and mind evolving, coalescing your body in the groove. Hopefully these Monday Music selections will be of interest, and if not interesting, hopefully our song selections will at least begat some curiosity on our reader’s part about why the song of that week doesn’t suit them. Was there another song longed for? Is this current song of the week too happy, too sad, too airy-fairy, too methodical?

What song did each reader need to hear this day in this moment, to feel something? And by the way, what are your needs today? The Universe, or God, or Allah, or Mother Nature, or whatever name you use for the Collective Consciousness, or  the “ground of being,” is always on time, and always, on schedule. Whatever we need in every moment, is already available for us. Our job, is merely to WAKE UP.

And Monday mornings are a perfect time to wake up and face the music, the day, the week, the personal longings….whatever is needed in that moment. (Actually any day, and any time, is PERFECT; but the practice, for now at Grounded Relating, is just to try it on for size on Monday Music mornings and see if it suits?)

So on a weekly basis, Grounded Relating will post a song thought or a song form, as a reminder to WAKE UP to the Universe that is already here!

Music’s common language

Music is a great common language: between cultures, races, peoples, and possibly even personalities. Everyone feels something with regards to music—even if they feel nothing. Did you know feeling nothing was still feeling something? Well that’s my personal position anyway. Because I find, in that nothing, when I actually go delving, I usually find a resistance, a fear, a refusal to look at or be impacted by something I am actually feeling, but I just named it “Nothing.” Curiosity has been my best friend networker; and the things Curiosity has opened me up to!

Gearing up for each week as it begins again, can be boring, difficult, too routine, a pleasure, a bother: any number of things.  But, there are many ways to meet a need; or, so I’ve heard.

The Grounded Relating Monday Music Challenge

And here’s the Grounded Relating Monday Music Challenge: As you go through your day today, can you be conscious to the music around you, where you are now? Are the birds singing? Can you hear them? Can you still your thoughts long enough to hear the birds? What about the insects buzzing? Can you quiet your mind long enough to see the beauty of something outside of yourself? Can you experience the honking of traffic, the rush of people in their own lives, the beating of the collective heart, the Muzak in the elevator, the music at the gas station while you fill up the car: are you listening? Or are you on automatic?

What is your consciousness trying to rise up in your awareness, in this NOW? Pay attention.

It’s a practice. And music, or other multimedia forms, can help transport you, bridge your gaps, make new neuron pathways. Monday Music from Grounded Relating is here to help. Give us a try and let us know how it goes?