Kyle Cease on the goal of life

Kyle Cease on the goal of life

Kyle Cease on the goal of life

Kyle Cease and the goal of life

Kyle Cease is a comedian turned philosopher whose down-to-earth viewpoints and ideas are very normalizing and calming. Cease’s video “Why People’s Opinions of You Aren’t Real” is today’s Monday Music  selection. In his video, Kyle Cease suggests that “finding the creative part of you that lives in the moment” is a key element to finding your bliss or place of satiety and creativity.

“You are what you love, and not what loves you…[that’s moving] from in-to-out. [As children] Our creativity is what was running us….[And over time] society kinda turns us into consumers. We’ve been conditioned to move to a place of what loves us [moving out-to-in].”

Kyle Cease starts out his video with an invitation to people of all faiths, admonishing them that they should be able to hear and take in the fact that everyone, regardless of race or creed, has access to this middle way path of living in the moment.  He then suggests three ways people can get confused about who or what their own creativity is.

Creativity: an act of God, the Universe, or instincts?

According to Kyle Cease, he doesn’t know what that thing is that happens when we access living in the moment.  Cease is aware some people wonder if it is God, the Universe, or just the animal instincts of humanity. He suggests it could be all three, and further, Cease suggests that who or what it is doesn’t really matter.

What matters is that the creative moment, the act of living in the moment, actually does exist! And we humans can go there! We can live there. We can connect there. We are there when we realize other people out there don’t need to impact or inform our own internal spaces. Take a look and listen to  “Why People’s Opinions of You Aren’t Real” as posted by Kyle Cease on YouTube:

Survive adult consumerism; keep inner child creativity

According to Kyle Cease it’s a little like when we were children, and we played, and all we heard or experienced or had reflected back to us was how adorable we were. It didn’t matter what we did, we were always adorable.

Then we grow up, and as Cease puts it we usually have version of these two options: become cynical and mad, or stop shaving our arm pits and rename ourselves, “Rainbow-Mock-A-Sunshine.” Cease believes there has to be a middle in all that extremism, because as he says:

“…if you are under the illusion that these things outside of you are what complete you, you will always be a victim. Because everything has to change to make you happy. So you are dependent on that and you are moving from a place of out-to-in.”

The place of working effortlessly

The goal of life, according to Kyle Cease, is “to enjoy the process of working on yourself.” Grounded Relating clearly concurs! When you are working on yourself and you enjoy it, the work becomes effortless. The wheels move, and things arise in the time that they are needed.  Set your intention, let go of attachment to outcome or results, enjoy yourself, and see what arises in that creative space of living in the moment. Enjoy the music, and use the Grounded Relating Monday Music Challenge to stay present to yourself today.